With the increase in population and urbanization, the demand of safe drinking water supply and wastewater sanitation is immensely increasing. Public Health Engineering have become an inevitable part of civil engineering. Public Health Engineering deals with quality of drinking water, purification of drinking water, sources of water, microbiology of sewage, sewage disposal and treatment, water intake works, it's transportation through conduits, pumps, pumping, supply and drainage grids in buildings/habitats, environmental sanitation, surface and storm water drains, sewer appurtenances, waste management, air pollution and it's treatment, vector control for zoonotic diseases and management techniques.

NIVV Consultancy services has a team of highly qualified and experienced Public Health Engineering experts who have a deep knowledge in planning, designing and construction administration for portable water production, water reclamation facilities, sanitary sewer mains along with water system hydraulic modeling.

In the sector of Public Health Engineering, our business is involved in:

  • Water Supply and Sewerage
  • Waste Water Management
  • Storm Water Management
  • Drinking Water Supply
  • Sanitation

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